Google Colab : A Poor Person’s GPU

Sehul Viras 💡🔎
3 min readAug 15, 2018

So you’ve already done few Machine Learning projects & courses etc., and are just breaking into deep learning. One of the biggest problem you will face is that of training your deep learning models on GPU.

Google CoLab

You laptop however awesome it may be, most likely will not have the required GPU capability, so then you will start looking into cloud GPU services like Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, FloydHub, etc., etc.

These are great options, but the two main challenges you’ll run into are:

  • Configuration: Configuring your project / data with cloud GPU is a pain in the rear.
  • Cost: Cost associated with training your model on cloud GPU racks up soon and is heavy on your wallet.

Google Colaboratory is the answer for your personal project’s deep learning models. Its FREE and requires almost no configuration at all.

Step 1: Adding the Colaboratory App to your Google Drive

Login to your Google Drive, and

  • Type Colaboratory in search bar, and click CONNECT

Step 2: Launching a Jupyter Notebook With Python 3 & GPU

Assuming you followed all the steps above, you should see a Jupyter Notebook open up. Then follow the steps below.

  • Select PYTHON 3 as Runtime Type & GPU for Hardware Accelerator
  • Click CONNECT

Step 3: BE AWESOME, and share the knowledge with others

Following all the steps, you should now have a decent yet powerful GPU for training your deep learning models.

Also, here is a link to Google Colab FAQs:

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